Processing allows you to generate your own visuals using coding. By going onto and downloading their free software you are able to start to create your own visuals using data that you have collected.
You are even able to view other peoples creations and edit these. This is how we come about the remix part of processing.
Firstly we had to come up with a set of data to put into processing. I made one about how much chocolate I consume. I entered these values into a spreadsheet document.

More data gathering& Display remix
for some reason although my coding was all correct.
I was never able to play this on my mac as it never loaded! I even
tried it again on new documents but again it never loaded the visual.
Processing and Data Visualisation
Only once i removed the text from the coding was I able to get a visual.
The first exercise was to built a house! This proved quite challenging at first because you have to coordinate whereby each shape will be.