Libre graphics practice and culture
For this workshop we downloaded the free design software Inkscape and Gimp. Inkscape is a professional vector graphics software. Gimp is also a free to use software that is available for download online and is used as an image manipulation software.

The aim of the workshop is to learn how to use both of these softwares and then come up with designs ourselves which shows that we have understood the process of creating images and manipulating them.
For the task on Gimp we were required to use an image. I used this image of a church that I took In Edinburgh. I found that the shapes in the window looked rather interesting, I like the swirls and symmetry. I then took this image and uploaded it onto Gimp.

Using the rectangle select tool I isolated the area that I wanted and then copy and pasted it onto a new document. Then I chose the scale tool and enlarged the shape to my desired size. I decided that I wanted to keep the symmetry from my original image by creating a lotus flower. I made a petal by using the perspective tool and pulling the original shape inwards and outwards to create my desired shape. Once I had one shape created I then duplicated the layer and on the next layer I used the perspective tool once again to create another petal shape. To keep the symmetry, I used the flip tool to reverse the layer onto the other side. After creating the initial flower shape I chose the select by colour tool to select random areas on the petals so that I could fill them with a colour. I decided not to fill the whole area and completely transform my crop because I wanted it to remain authentic to the original image. I wanted to keep the shapes that I originally liked in the image and just enhance them.

Overall I found that using Gimp was quite difficult at first as there is no direct selection tool like Photoshop and so on. However I found that this task allowed me to explore the software in a lot of detail and eventually I had to find other means of producing an image.
1.) My original image taken in Glasgow.
2.) My chosen cropped section of the image.
3.) the first petal shape I created.
4.) Changing orientation to desired effect.

My Final
I found Inkscapes interface quite easy to use and I enjoyed producing my image using shapes. To create my shape I went onto the shapes tool and then chose a circle and then put this on a layer. I then went onto filling the shape with colours. I really liked how the colour pallete with similar colours also remains at the bottom of the page. I then proceeded to open a new layer for each shape and fill with colours until I produced my final design.

The whole process of making an image on Inkscape using just shapes was quite fun.
My Final

More Libre Graphics
As you can see I started with different shapes and then built upon them.