Arduino is a free to use electronics prototyping platform. By going on the website you are able to find different inputs which you put onto your board using your equipment.
Then you are able to perform functions by connecting the board into your computer.
A- Cable to connect the PC to the Arduino board. The PC contains code which is then uploaded to the board.

B- Breadboard which is used to connect multiple wires together to create a complete round circuit.

C -Wires that is used to be connected onto the Arduino board to the breadboard.

D- LED light.

E- The arduino board

The Components


Circuit 1
At this point the LED was looped to flashing.
Circuit 2
As the delay has been put to 10 the light would flash more faster than the previous circuit.
Circuit 3
This code allows the user to control the LED function. When you press your finger you are able to control the light turning on and off.
Circuit 4
More Arduino